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Acting Effectively on a Team
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This Acting Effectively on a Team online training course was designed for all employees and supervisors. This course will help you contribute more effectively to your team and help your teammates do the same. It will expand your understanding of the challenges teams face and what you can do to overcome them.
Board Behaviour
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This Board Behavior online training course is designed for new board members and other employees who aim to become board members. Working as a team is challenging, and it is no different when it comes to an organization's board of directors. Group cohesion in vision, mission, and action is critical. A high-functioning board trusts each other while being unafraid to face challenges together to achieve a common goal. This course highlights how to overcome issues in board dynamics, which will enable boards to be effective and efficient.
Business Continuity Planning: An Overview
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This Business Continuity Planning: An Overview online training course is designed for employees in all industries with responsibilities for maintaining business functions and processes. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a comprehensive strategy to ensure the continued operation of critical business functions and processes in the event of disruptions or disasters. Learn about identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, assessing their potential impact on business operations, and developing strategies and procedures to mitigate those risks and maintain continuity.
Individual Listening Skills
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This Individual Listening Skills online training course is designed for all employees and explores the meaning of active listening and the reasons why people do not listen effectively. This course is designed to help participants improve listening skills through increased awareness of their personal listening styles and practical exercises to develop their listening skills.
Leading Your Resources
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This Leading Your Resources online training course is designed for all leaders in an organization or anyone seeking a leadership role. Leading people involves more than a vision and the ability to communicate is also a strategic activity. This course looks at the strategic aspects of leading people and will explore the skills you need to lead and motivate your human resources and skills for talent mining and team building.
Mental Health Awareness
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This Mental Health Awareness online training course is designed for employers, employees, and for general health and safety. This course will explore commonly diagnosed mental illnesses, causes and signs of mental health issues, misconceptions about mental health, stigma and its reduction, and workplace strategies to support and improve mental health.
Mieux comprendre la santé mentale
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Ce cours de formation en ligne Mieux comprendre la santé mentale a été conçu pour les employeurs, les employés et les professionnels en santé et sécurité. Ce cours examine les maladies mentales couramment diagnostiquées, les causes et les signes des problèmes de santé mentale, les fausses croyances au sujet des personnes ayant une maladie mentale, comment atténuer la stigmatisation, et les stratégies sur le lieu de travail pour soutenir et améliorer la santé mentale.
Practice Active Listening
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This Practice Active Listening online training course is designed for employees and employers. This course will help you improve your listening skills by explaining the difference between hearing and active listening, and outlining the steps involved in becoming an active listener. This course will teach you more about your customers and coworkers and be better able to meet their needs.
Pratiquer l'écoute active
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Combien de fois êtes-vous sorti d'une réunion sans avoir un souvenir clair de ce dont vous avez discuté? Vous avez peut-être entendu ce qui s'est dit, mais vous n'écoutiez pas vraiment. Et voilà où est le problème.
Reaching Personal Goals
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This Reaching Personal Goals online training course is designed for employees looking to achieve their personal goals. This course will give you a chance to change your life as you learn how to purposefully achieve your goals. You know your life could be better. You're not fulfilling your potential. Or maybe you've been wondering when your dreams will come true. This course will get you headed in the right direction and give you some tips for making it all happen!
Time Management
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This Time Management online training course is designed for anyone wishing to manage their time more efficiently. This course addresses the nuts and bolts of time management and includes tools for setting goals, keeping logs, and planning your time. It includes methods for identifying low pay-off activities and timewasters, along with suggestions for getting rid of them.
Time Management - Strategies for Success
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This Time Management – Strategies for Success online training course is designed for all employees and explores the most effective way to manage one’s time. Time and energy are two valuable resources. This course will give you the tools to evaluate your energy spend and improve your time management skills.
Workplace and Personal Skills Certificate
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This Workplace and Personal Skills Certificate online training course is designed for all employees. This program addresses key topics including effective communication, coping with stress, self-esteem, skills for managers, and building a healthy workplace culture. This program offers a comprehensive skillset including improving productivity, how to have better staff meetings, customer service skills, how to delegate and dealing with grief.
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NASBA CPE - QAS Self Study
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NASBA CPE - QAS Self Study
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30 Minutes or Less
31 - 60 Minutes
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Compliance & Safety (36)
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Human Resources (20)
Personal Development (15)
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