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Earthquake Preparedness
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This Earthquake Preparedness online training course is designed for everyone. Earthquakes can happen at any time of the year and occur without warning. Larger earthquakes may cause deaths, injuries, extensive property damage, and disruption of public services. This course will help you learn what you can do to prepare for earthquakes and stay safe when and after one occurs.
Everyday Ergonomics
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This Everyday Ergonomics online training course is designed for employees, supervisors, managers, and employers. This course explores how Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) can be reduced or eliminated. Workers in many types of workplaces are vulnerable to ergonomic injuries. Learn how Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) can be reduced or eliminated. This course is based on the OSHA General Duty Clause, Section 5(s)(1).
First Aid Basics [Canada]
From $34.50
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This First Aid Basics online training course is designed for all employees. This course has been developed to allow certified first aid attendants to refresh and update their basic first aid knowledge. This course is meant to supplement completed first aid training by providing a review of some of the critical information covered in a typical First Aid Course.
First Aid Basics [US]
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This First Aid Basics online training course has been developed to allow certified first aid attendants to refresh and update their basic first aid knowledge. This program is meant to supplement completed first aid training by providing a review of some of the critical information covered in a typical First Aid Course.
Forklift Safety
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This Forklift Safety online training course will deal with how forklift incidents can be prevented, especially when employers and workers work together to improve safety and health at work. Forklifts offer a practical materials handling solution for many businesses, each year they continue to be associated with workplace deaths and injuries.
Naloxone Training for U.S. Workplaces
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This Naloxone Training for U.S. Workplaces online training course is designed for all employees. Opioid misuse, addiction and overdose deaths have become an international epidemic. Learn about opioid use and misuse, recognizing an opioid overdose, the skills you need to administer care to a coworker experiencing an opioid overdose, and the legal considerations of Naloxone use in the workplace.
Notions de base en premiers soins [Canada]
From $34.50
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Ce cours de formation en ligne Notions de base en premiers soins a été conçu pour tous les employés. Ce cours permet aux secouristes certifiés de mettre à jour leurs connaissances de base en matière de premiers secours. Ce cours passe en revue certaines des informations critiques couvertes dans un cours de premiers secours typique.
Office Ergonomics
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This Office Ergonomics online training course is designed for all employees and supervisors. Workers in many types of workplaces are vulnerable to ergonomic injuries. Learn how Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) can be reduced or eliminated. In this course, you will learn about the ergonomic hazards and risks of office work and measures to control them.
Office Safety
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This Office Safety online training course is designed for employees working in an office. This course explores working in an office and how to manage common office hazards. This course will help you reduce the risk of workplace injury by discussing how to prevent common office hazards by following safety procedures.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
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This Personal Protective Equipment online training course is designed for Employers, supervisors, and workers in the construction and general industry. More than one-quarter of all disabling injuries involve the head, eyes, hands, or feet. Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is designed to protect you from those health and safety hazards that cannot practically be removed from your immediate work environment. This course covers OSHA’s Standard on Personal Protective Equipment; particularly Subpart 1, sections 1910.34 through 1910.38 of OSHA’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry.
Primeros Auxilios Básicos [US]
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Este programa de Primeros auxilios básicos ha sido desarrollado para brindar a los asistentes de primeros auxilios certificados la oportunidad de refrescar y actualizar sus conocimientos básicos de primeros auxilios. Este programa está destinado a complementar la capacitación en primeros auxilios al proporcionar una revisión de parte de la información crítica cubierta en un curso típico de primeros auxilios.
Safety in Fire Prevention
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This Safety in Fire Prevention online training course provides basic information on the precautions and procedures necessary for fire protection and safety in the workplace. This course will cover topics including fire prevention techniques, the types and classes of fires and fire extinguishers, and first aid procedures for dealing with fire-related injuries.
Sécurité dans la prévention des incendies
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Ce cours de formation en ligne Sécurité dans la prévention des incendies a été conçu pour tous les employés. Ce cours fournit des informations de base sur les précautions et les procédures nécessaires pour la protection contre les incendies et la sécurité sur le lieu de travail. Les sujets abordés comprennent les techniques de prévention des incendies, les types et les classes de feux et d’extincteurs, ainsi que les procédures de premiers soins pour traiter les blessures liées aux incendies.
Sécurité des chariots élévateurs à fourche
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Ce cours de formation en ligne Sécurité des chariots élévateurs à fourche a été conçu pour les employés dont le travail consiste à conduire des chariots élévateurs à fourche. Ce cours traitera de la manière dont les incidents liés aux chariots élévateurs à fourche peuvent être évités. Chaque année, ils continuent d'être associés à des décès et des blessures sur le lieu de travail.
Seguridad de la Carretilla Elevadora
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Este curso de formación online sobre seguridad de la carretilla elevadora tratará sobre cómo se pueden prevenir los incidentes con carretillas elevadoras, especialmente cuando los empresarios y los trabajadores colaboran para mejorar la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo. Si bien los montacargas ofrecen una solución práctica de manejo de materiales para muchas empresas, cada año siguen estando asociados con muertes y lesiones en el lugar de trabajo.
Young Worker Safety Orientation
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This Young Worker Safety Orientation online training course outlines what young workers need to know about health and safety legislation, the rights and responsibilities of employers, supervisors, and workers as set out in occupational health and safety legislation, the types of workplace hazards young workers may encounter, and protective measures that should be taken to ensure everyone in a workplace is safe.
Zika Awareness
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Zika virus outbreaks are occurring in multiple countries in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas, including the continental United States. This Zika Awareness online training course will provide you with basic information about Zika virus. This course will help you understand what causes Zika virus, how it is spread, symptoms, treatment, risk, and prevention and control.
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NASBA CPE - QAS Self Study
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NASBA CPE - QAS Self Study
Length Range
30 Minutes or Less
31 - 60 Minutes
Over 60 Minutes
Compliance & Safety (36)
General Safety (17)
Hazard Training (26)
Human Resources (20)
Personal Development (15)
Road Safety (12)
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